Pattern clarification

Hi all - what do we think the below instruction means on this Rowan (Martin Storey) Allie pattern??
To be specific its the last bit “then on 3 foll 4th rows” … I know I’ve got to decrease the 3 stitches but does it mean on the 4th row after the previous decrease of 1st, i.e. Work 3 rows and decrease 3 on the 4th or something else I’m just not getting.

Sometime the language and abbreviations are at the whim of a translation so the plual of rows might be an error!!

Thank as always in advance…

Often confusing directions.
You start with decreases on the next 6 rows, call that rows 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Then there are decreases on 2 alternate rows, so that’s rows 8 and 10. The 3 following 4th rows are rows 14,18 and 22.
So as you thought, work 3 rows, dec on the next row and then repeat that sequence twice more.

Maybe this one?

Fantastic, thanks so much … I was slowly heading towards that as the answer, but definitely needed confirmation from someone who knows more!!

Yep, that’s the one - its a fun one but it is taking me aaaages!! I’ve previously asked for help on the back shoulder shaping, which handily crops up on the front so already have my reference - lols.

Thanks as always.

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Took me a while to finish as other smaller projects took over but finally, and after at least three visits to this fantastic forum for help I’ve finished it and its being blocked now…

Might give Martin Storey a swerve for a while but satisfying to get through one of his patterns none the less :wink:


Congrats to you. Martin Storey’s patterns are always interesting and seldom uncomplicated. You have triumphed with this beautiful vest. Outstanding!

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I love this!
I used to wear vests all the time when I was younger (and didn’t feel the cold) now I just gaze on in admiration.
This is such a great pattern and you have knitted it perfectly. I’m not aware how difficult a Martin Storey pattern is but it sounds like you have made a highly skilled project. Congrats!

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