Pattern call for stockinette st?

Stockinette st (St st)”

Is this whole thing in St st? (For example, it says [B]Rows 1-2: [/B]Knit; should it be knit row 1, purl row 2?)

I just wanna verify bc I don’t wanna have a 100+ row project tht curls (unless it’s supposed to).

The first two rows are both knit rows.
Actually, I don’t see any rows of stockinette if the directions for row 4 and all WS rows are correct:

Row 4 and [I]all WS rows[/I]: With same color as previous row, knit the knit sts and slip the slipped sts.

That tiny amount of garter may just be the edge and to help prevent curling of the stockinette. I would just knit it as it’s written.

It’s just defining that st st = stockinette stitch. Follow the pattern as written, you have a couple rows of garter to begin, then it may go to st st. However, I notice that row 4 reads “Row 4 and all WS rows: With same color as previous row, knit the knit sts and slip the slipped sts.” - which sounds like garter st. It may be a typo. But the closeups of the FOs on Ravelry look like garter.