I’m on a part in my pattern (moss stitch) and the pattern calls for “patt2tog”. At the point where the pattern calls for patt2tog I have a purl and a knit stitch. Do I purl the two together or knit the two together? Or – am I completely not understanding the instructions and it’s something else completely? Thanks for any information.
It probably means that you should either knit or purl the two together depending on which stitch should come next in the moss pattern.
So if I’m coming up to a purl stitch I purl the two together…and then what for the following stitch?..another purl since the knit stitch was included in the 2tog? That seems like common sense, but since I have a lot to learn about knitting I’d rather take advice from an experienced knitter than rip out. lol
What part are you at in the pattern? I guess what I need to know is where are you decreasing in the row and what comes next?
The pattern calls for: “Moss stitch 3, yfwd, patt2tog, (moss stitch 8, yfwd, patt2tog) 2 times, moss stitch 2.”
I’m thinking in layman’s terms it’s k, p, k, yfwd, p2tog, p, k, p, k, p, k, p, k, yfwd, p2tog, p, k, p, k, p, k, p, k, yfwd, p2tog, p, k.
However, I need to keep the moss stitch “look” to the pattern so maybe I should knit after the 2tog…
Moss stitch 3, yfwd, patt2tog, (moss stitch 8, yfwd, patt2tog) 2 times, moss stitch 2."
k p k yo k2tog, (p k p k p k p k yo k2tog)
I think this will work out.
Now that I think of it, that makes complete sense since it will keep the moss stitch visibly intact throughout the row. Thank you so much!