Patons Grace -Anchors Away Romper -Finishing Help

Hi - I’m knitting Patons Grace “Anchors Away Romper” and I’m stuck on the finishing work.

I have both shoulders and the back neck band on stitch holders - 3 in total. I’m just completely lost with the instructions. I’m hopeful the pattern instructions I uploaded shows up.

Start with the center back neckband. In the case of the back right and left are as you look at the back with the RS (right side or public side) facing you.
Pick up 3sts along the right side of the neck, then knit 24sts from the back holder and finally pick up 3sts from the left side of the neck. Then follow the directions for knitting ribbing.
Here’s a video for picking up and knitting that may help.

For the right back shoulder band, knit across the 22 held sts increasing 2 sts as you knit. then pick up and knit 5sts from the side of that back center neckband that you just knit. Again follow the directions for ribbing. The directions for the left back neckband are similar but you’ll start by picking up on the side of the center neckband and then go on to knit the held sts on the left side.

For the front neckband, there’s a mistake in the pattern. On line 4 where it refers to the “Back st holder” it should say Front stitch holder.

It’s a darling pattern. Please do post a photo when you finish and certainly come back if this isn’t clear or you have other questions.

Thank you so much. I will try this this evening. I have much to pull out….
Thank you again. :pray:

Hi there - pulled my work apart and am following your instructions (thank you). I’ve just finished the ribbing for the back neck band and ended on the RS. My confusion happens here. Do I have to put the work I just did on a stitch holder? The next row is knitting the 22 stitches from the right stitch holder. I assume that I need to start the knitting from the far right side of the stitch holder and then (another bit of confusion) pick up and knit 5 stitches across side of back neckband. Is that the jog between the stitch holder and the ribbing I just did?
Thank you so much for spelling this out for me!

This is where I am:

Looking good!
The pattern doesn’t say it but you should cast off the back center neckband in ribbing. It says that for the other parts of the finishing but for some reason it’s missing from this particular section and for the front center section.
Yes, start knitting from the far right side of the right shoulder stitch holder. This is the armhole edge. Then pick up the 5 sts on the edge of the rows of the back neckband.

From right to left in the above photo.

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Thank you! That makes so much more sense! I’ll give that a try now. Thank you for responding so quickly. I really do appreciate it.

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Thank you!
Thought I would share the finished product. Just need to add the buttons (which Amazon will deliver hopefully tomorrow).
Your instructions were so very helpful.
Many thanks.
Happy holidays


Absolutely adorable and even cuter on, I’ll bet. Very nicely and evenly knit.