I’m putting this under ‘how to questions’ because I am absolutely positive that I will be completely unable to get through this pattern of Stephen West’s (Painting Columns, from his new Painting Shawls book, or on Ravelry) without asking questions! And it seemed a nice idea to create the process as a kind of ‘work in progress’ diary, for anyone who might knit this particular shawl.
My iPad is being recalcitrant at allowing me to create a link, for some reason (? First question, why??!!) so anyway, you can find the pattern by searching for Stephen West Painting Columns, on Ravelry.
Next question: I am a long way from getting to the seven slip-stitch columns, and appreciate that Stephen West positively likes the long floats at the back, but I worry that they’ll get snagged on things; I don’t so much mind the look - he is very happy with the ‘ladders’ created - but I think it could be horribly impractical. So I’ve tried looking up how to trap the floats elegantly. There are dozens of videos on how to trap floats in Fair Isle, or any kind of two colour work. But the very nature of slip stitching is that you are only working with the one colour in any one row. So how do you catch long floats? Perhaps later, in the row below? But you are still continuing to slip, on the return row, with the yarn in front, rather than in back, as in the front rows, so there doesn’t seem to be a place where you can trap the float from the row above?? There is one video, but it seemed a bit messy to me, and I wonder if anyone has any ideas?
Meantime, I still don’t seem to be able to get any photos to download in any shape or form, which is frustrating. I could show you my colour scheme, if only….but what I did find incredibly helpful was making “lazy swatches”; SW’s shop, Stephen & Penelope, sells custom made ones, but the little boards you wind the yarn on are easy to make for yourself out of cardboard. I got three of the proper ones, and then used them as a template with which to create a whole lot more. If ever I can download a photo I’ll show you!!