P0k0? what is this?

Hi! New to knitting and am starting on a baby sweater for my soon-to-be little one. I’ve done okay so far but am stumped on the instructions listed below. I now have 12 stitches and am supposed to do the following:

k1, p1, cast off 1 st, p0, k4, p0, cast off 1 st, p1, k1

But when I follow this, I end up with two stitches remaining on my needle–so clearly I’m not doing this right! Am I supposed to do something with the p0, k0? Do I need to knit/purl these or just transfer them to my working needle?

Yours, in confusion,

You do nothing. And rather than cast off a stitch, I’d just decrease a single st, so your row would be k1, p1, ssk, k4, k2tog, p1, k1.

Thank you!!! This helps tremendously. And thanks for the rapid-fire response!! What a great site.