Outlining instead of intarsia?


I am a fairly new knitter, but have tackled intarsia, and don’t mind it! However, I got the brilliant idea to make a baby blanket with shamrocks on it (yellow background, green shamrocks). The intarsia was killing me on the shamrocks (too many color changes) so I ripped them out. I tried a sample of double knitting (where I stitched over the yellow knit stitches in green) and that was OK but it made the fabric twice as thick (duh) and the back did not look very good.

My backup plan is just switching to purl to make the design, but then I lose my pretty green :frowning: Since this pattern is now in my head and I love it, I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas about other options? Is there a way to outline the design in another color, sort of like outlining in cross stitch? Any advice on double knitting? Or should I just save myself the headache and purl it in yellow?


You could just do it in the green like you had planned and then when you are done, duplicate stitch on the outline in the color you had chosen for that.

But just wanted to add, girl, if you’ve conquered intarsia without major therapy, hun , you are no noob!!! LOL:knitting: :notworthy:

You can do the P st for the shamrock and then outline. Dupe st would be sturdier but you’re limited to the using existing sts and that can create a stiff, jagged edge. You might consider embroidery. Softer outline. Just make sure to secure your starting, ending threads.


OOo Cam you mean kinda like a chain stitch?:figureditout:

What’s a chain stitch? I’m intrigued…

It’s an embroidery stitch basically used to outline things. It can also be done with a crochet hook on larger things. But usually done with a needle and tapestry yarn (thin wool) or embroidery floss.

You could do chain but also try stem. While not as ‘hefty’ as the chain (altho you could certainly double up the yarn with a large ndl), it might provide a softer edge around the design.

Good luck. Post pics of the FO.


I did stem st on the leaves in this pic.


That pillow is BEEEYOOOTEEEFULL!!!:thumbsup: :slight_smile:

I agree - love the pillow! Thanks for the ideas - I’ll look into stem and chain stitches… Will def post a photo (tho may be a while!)
