OT: Taking my first

Pregnancy and brestfeeding formula capsule!!!

DH and I have decided to start TTC our third child!!! :cheering: :cheering: :cheering:

I’m so happy about it, I was bursting to tell somebody! We’re not telling family about it yet because we choose to keep it private until I’m actually pregnant and out of the woods, so to speak… but I couldn’t hold it in! LOL

:happydance: Good for you! I hope it happens quickly and all goes well for you. :thumbsup:

All the best!!

Best of luck!

:heart: :heart: Good luck to you!!! :heart: :heart:

:heart: good luck!

Have fun…um…practicing :cheering:

:cheering: good luck! :cheering:

Fantastic! Best of luck and as FM said, enjoy getting there. :wink:

Thanks, ladies!!! Awww I really like this place… such a nice group of people!! Thanks to Amy for creating it!! :slight_smile: :thumbsup:

:cheering: Good Luck!!! :happydance:

Good luck!

{I’ve got a few spare kids if you want to practice the AFTER part too!} :roflhard: