OT: Perfume preferences?

I know lots of people don’t like perfumes, but some do… and I’m always curious to know what perfumes people wear, and have worn in the past…

I started out with Chanel No. 21 (which no longer exists) when I was in college in the 1980s (I miss it!). In grad school I discovered Nocturnes de Caron, which I still have (I think it might have been discontinued, too, but I’ve still managed to find it on line). In the early 1980s I added Lancome’s Tresor (the scent of which always means Ireland to me, because I wore it on a trip to Ireland in 1993) - just recently I got a lighter Tresor that’s nice (but was a limited edition, so is probably gone already… of course…). I don’t know if I’m forgetting anything from earlier on…

Since then I’ve added Givenchy’s Organza, Thierry Mugler Angel (but that was way too strong for me - now I’ve got Angel Lily, which is lighter), Eau de Kenzo (for some reason only in summer), a spicy Aveda scent, and most recently Jo Malone’s Pomegranate Noir. Nocturnes is still my favorite… but I don’t think I’ve found my Holy Grail perfume yet…?

For those of you who do like perfumes, what are your picks?

[color=blue]Coco by Chanel and Gem by Van Kleif and Arpel (sp?). Use to wear Cinnabar (sp?) but now it seems too strong for me.

It will be fun to see what everyone wears. :cheering:


My two favourite perfumes are both Aveda (Attraction and Equipoise).

Attraction is a deep frankinsense/myrrh combo, while Equipoise is a light lemongrassy scent.

Both are discontinued.

I’m a big ‘woody oriental’ gal (if you go to Sephora.com you can find perfumes you may like based on the type you already have)…and a big “smell like gramma” gal. I’m definitely NOT a floral kinda person.

that said my favs are Opium (my long-time Holy Grail!) , Shalimar, and Mitsouka (sp?) I recently purchased Cabotine and Bora Bora which are lighter but still have a deep tone (I’m thinking frangipani in Cabotine). I’m really wanting to get Stella McCartny’s Amber.

Kiri, the “Attraction” sounds fabulous - I’ll have to try that one too!

I wear perfume every day! Love it!

I found a gift set of Hermes Amazon scented stuff in the “throw out” bag from my Grandma’s bathroom when we were moving out. I like it, but I usually forget to wear perfume.

When I do, I’m more likely to go for either the Victoria’s Secret Strawberries and Champagne spritz or the Bath & Body Works Cucumber Melon spritz I have. (Cause they’re in a place where I see them more. :teehee: )

I had a social studies teacher in high school whose perfume I loved, but I stupidly never asked her what it was… :wall:

Kirochka -
I’ve been wearing Angel for the past couple of weeks, because I feel I need to use it up since I’ve had this bottle for a LONG time. I love the chocolate and pear in it, but generally it’s too strong for me. thanks for the tip, I will have to check out Angel Lily.

I alternate between Anne Pliska, Annick Goutal Gardenia Passion, Laura Biagiotti Roma, Escada Island Kiss, and Must de Cartier. the Pliska and the Roma I have to order online as they are hard to find. the Island Kiss was a limited edition a couple of years ago.

as a teenager I loved White Shoulders and Love’s Musky Jasmine.

Carol_OH -
thanks for the tip on sephora.com, I will have to see what recommendations they give me.

I like victoria’s secret Dream Angels Divine, but I would love to find other perfumes I like. Unfortunately, I have really bad reactions to some, so I have to be careful. Sometimes I just walk up to a perfume counter and my eyes burn. It’s hard to figure out what you like that way :frowning:

Jodi, there are several varieties of Angel now - Violet, Lily, um… forgetting the others now, Peony maybe? They all seem lighter than the original. I finally had to get rid of the original because it made me feel sick, it was so strong!

i usually wear Pleasures but I am tired of it. I also like the lotions from Bath and Bodyworks so will use them as perfume sort of but I would like to find a perfume that I really love. I bought a bunch of samples from Fragrancenet.com a while back but didn’t fall in love with any of them really. I can’t do things that are too spicy or musky because they give me headaches. some floral scents do as well. i smell perfumes all the time that i love, but never think to ask what the person is wearing. sigh

I would like to find something very light and floral to wear…will have to keep looking.

oooh i used to love sunflowers until i smelled someone who had too much on one day. it made me ill and i have never been able to stand the smell of it since. hrmm…what else did i wear…hrmmmm…nothing really of note. I have worn pleasures for a long time!

Obsession and Opium just smell delicious :heart: To bad my honeys alergic to scents. :pout:

Nadja xxx

I’m in love with Burberry’s perfume of the same name. My favorite. I find it subtle yet lingering. I also like Realities (Liz Claiborne? I can’t remember), and Indecence (Givenchy). I liked Pleasures, but it makes me sneeze my head off.

I’ve never been able to find my perfect perfume :teehee: they may smell good in the store or even on me while I’m in the store… but by the time I’m home I don’t care for it anymore…I use a lot of bath and body works sprays… Freesia is my favorite and one I use most… most perfumes are to strong for me and I end up with headaches but this seems to be light enough that I don’t have any problems… :shrug: its cheap too :rofl: :roflhard:

My first real perfume love would be “dreams” by Tabu I bough it in a body spray when I was 13 and I loved loved loved it. A year later when shopping with my 9th grade buddies I found Revlon’s “Fire & Ice; COOL” and I fell in love. It was my holy grail of perfume’s. I would get a bottle of it every Christmas. But sadly it was discontinued a few years ago. My mom was smart and bought out the remaining supply, so I still got 2 bottles every christmas since. She would have had more this year, but she worried the scents would change or fade so she gave me the last of the stash last year. They still smell beautiful, but the scent has definately changed.

Oh well… The original “Fire&Ice” is still out on shelves, but it’s too spicy for me.

I can’t stand really strong smells… (literally, I can’t breathe.) but I love light floral fruity things… I think most perfumes I enjoy have a hint of coconut in them.

I am fond of the Paris Hilton perfume… It just smells sooo amazing, but it’s just slightly too strong for me. I also am a fan of Hypnotic Poison… so nice.

Years ago I wore White Shoulders and Chanel No. 5. Now I only wear Donna Karan Cashmire Mist. I can’t seem to find anything else I really love.

I really like Philosophy’s fragrances…I have Amazing Grace, Pure Grace, and Falling in Love. Amazing Grace is my favorite. I also have a bottle of Banana Republic’s “W” scent. That’s pretty nice, too, but is a little strong for me. I like light fragrances.

My mom wears Chanel no. 5, and I LOVE that. I myself wear Michael Kors Island…it smells so fresh like lilacs, and it stays on for a long time without being too strong.

My Grammy wears Chanel no. 5 and I hate it. :teehee:

Something about the combo of Chanel No. 5, dog, beer, and stale cigarette smoke just isn’t appealing to me.

I love Gap sent “heaven” it’s so suttle, yet yummy.
I used to have a girlfriend that wore Tommy Girl and it used to make me sneeze-go figure.

Nadja, Obsession is one of my “old standby’s”–I love it! It takes me back to when I was in high school and a teenager. My sister used to wear “Lauren” back then which I like too; every time I smell it, it transports me back to those carefree days. I also like Chanel No. 5. Gosh, 15 years ago, I used to really like Jessica McClintock (I’m not even sure if they make this anymore!), but I haven’t been able to wear it for a long time. :verysad: I used to also like Red but I can’t wear that anymore either. Geez, look at me and my 1980’s line up of perfumes…am I dating myself here??? :oops: Back in the early 1990’s when “Phantom of the Opera” was really popular and was playing in the midwest, they used to sell “Phantom of the Opera” perfume, and that was pretty, but they no longer sell it.