OT: OMG now what do I wear to the wedding?


[color=blue]Wow Audrey’s site is incredible… beautiful dresses… I will have to peruse it more after I get payroll done. My boss is very understanding lol… but everyone has to be paid. :teehee: Thank you! anne[/color]

mmm I thought of that… the dress from Chadwicks does have a bit of white. I don’t think that the grooms mom is wearing anything too too formal. I wish I knew what she was wearing lol… this feels like highschool… and that was a long long time ago :roflhard:

Thank you for your thoughts. :hug:

That first one is really pretty![/quote]

[color=blue]It is. Would not need a wrap with that one either. I think I need to just bite the bullet Friday after work and visit the mall. I always think that I must have the “deer in the headlights” look when I go there. :teehee: I am just not a mall person. I drive by it everyday coming to work but would rather visit smaller, more intimate shops.

anne [/color]

Thank you for the kind words Rissa. She has pretty much adopted me. Calls me mum… I am finding my comfy spot with her now. At first I did not really know my “place” I did not want her to think I wanted to replace her Mum. Not at all. Also not sure what to share with her as far as opinions. Gary encourages me to treat her just like I treat my own daughter but… I still don’t think I can be as opinionated as I am with Leslie ha!

Thanks again. :hug: