OT: I just can't keep a secret anymore!

I hate keeping secrets! Especially when others are sharing the exact same thing and I can’t say “me too!” Yeah, I’ve got a 3rd baby on the way. My due date is now Oct 11. It was Sept 26, but they did an ultrasound and changed it to Oct. 2. They sent me to another place for another ultrasound because she just wasn’t sure and they said Oct. 11. Both of my first 2 were 10 days late so I’m going with the Oct. 11 date and hoping that this one will come before that. I got so tired of people bugging me about when the baby was coming when they were late!

One of my good friends announced her pregnancy a month ago and she’s due about the same time. It’s their first and they’ve been talking about trying so I just congratulated her. I figured we’d let them have the spotlight for a while. I don’t know if she’ll be upset or happy. She’s one of those people that’s hard to read…

We told my family this past weekend. My uncle passed away so we went home and saw everyone. (He’s on Dad’s side and we weren’t as close with them as Mom’s so we told Mom’s side/brother/sister, etc.) I got the boys “I’m going to be a big brother” shirts to wear to tell them :slight_smile: It was fun!

Okay. I feel so much better telling!!!


:cheering: :happydance: Congratulations

Congratulations…we are trying for our second. Not sure when that will happen because we’ve been trying for almost 11 months now. We are probably going to do the “I’m a big sister” t-shirt route to tell our families too.

Good for you!

Congratulations!!! :muah: :muah: :cheering: :cheering:

CONGRATULATIONS!! Awesome news! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :cheering: :cheering:

:balloons: Congratulations!

:happydance: :cheering: :happydance: :cheering:


Awww, congratulations! :cheering:

:cheering: Congratulations! :balloons:

A hearty blessing to the new baby! :pray:

yay! :muah:

Congratulations! Here’s wishing you an easy pregnancy and a healthy, happy baby!

Congratulations! Babies are wonderful :heart: :heart: :heart:

ahhhhhh babies. My favorite kind of people. :cheering: Congrats :heart:

Such lovely news!

I’m so happy for you and your family :woot:


Congratulations, I hope you have a good pregnancy :hug:

Congrats!!! I hope your friend will be happy for you.

:cheering: Congratulations :cheering:

That’s sweet that you’re letting your friend have the spotlight for a while. When I was about 2 months pregnant with my second, I was so sick. I was seriously GREEN, I was so sick. A friend, who had been trying for over a year came by and I told her because she was starting to get worried because I was so sick all the time :teehee: She was sooo excited for me, but didn’t share her secret even though she was busting to tell me. 15 minutes earlier, she confirmed her pregnancy at the hospital around the corner from my house and was planning to show me the ultrasound pic when she came over! :roflhard: When she finally told me a few weeks later, we had a good laugh!

:cheering: Congrats!!! :happydance:

Thanks for all the good thoughts :slight_smile:

We’re planning on telling the other side of the family this weekend. There’s a birthday party in town for our nephew. If we see this friend there, we’ll tell them too, but if not, I suppose a phone call is in order. We’ll see how it goes…I think she’ll be happy, but I’m just not sure.
