Landlords upstairs are slobs and this is an ooooold house (100 years or so) so we have occasional mice invasions. I hear them upstairs at night sometimes (yecch!) and recently, I found mouse poop in my flour so I placed a trap under the rack where I store oats etc.
I was sitting at my computer and heard a racket coming from the kitchen wondered “what the h is that?” my dog had the glue trap (yes, I use those, the snap traps don’t work!) stuck to his paw and was flailing his paw about trying to remove it. :roflhard: I went to remove the trap from his foot when I saw a mouse stuck to it, covered in dog drool! He had been licking the mouse, I think he thought it was a pet (I’ve had many pet rats in my dog’s lifetime.) hahaha.
Anyway, I got my boyfriend to humanely dispatch the mouse (I don’t let them suffer slowly to death on glue traps.) I’m not phobic in regards to mice but I can’t stand them scurrying about in my home - ick!
Anyway, that’s the second mouse I’ve gotten with the (horrible but effective) glue traps in several months…when I move in with boyfriend, I won’t have this prob anymore…he has a cat. :yay: :cheering: