OT: Hi every knitter!

Hey y’all!

I got a PM today that made me realise that I wasn’t keepin’ up with my KH buddies.

Everything over here is good. Bub is growing nicely. I’m currently 11w4d and we have a scan next week. And I already have a baby belly.

I haven’t been knitting at all, the morning sickness is just horrendous and I can’t seem to do it. Which is distressing, as I had planned on making so many things while I was at home on bed rest.

I go back to work in a couple of weeks, which is both good and bad… I’m going to miss my day time TV. But I’m hoping that the morning sickness will subside soon so that I can start making those baby things I’m dying to make!

I’m glad things are going well for you. I hope things continue to go well, and you’ll get to knitting soon, I’m sure. :smiley:

Ohhh morning sickness, let me give you a suggestion! Go to a pharmacy or go online and get you a pair of seabands. You wear them on your writs and they are WONDERFUL for any type of sickness (motion, tummy, etc). They are about 10 bucks for a pair so if they don’t work, you didn’t spend a lot of money, but if they do, you’ll feel much better!

I used them with my little guy and it helped a lot! hugs and good luck to you!


Lane is now 18 months :slight_smile:

Ohhh morning sickness, let me give you a suggestion! Go to a pharmacy or go online and get you a pair of seabands. You wear them on your writs and they are WONDERFUL for any type of sickness (motion, tummy, etc). They are about 10 bucks for a pair so if they don’t work, you didn’t spend a lot of money, but if they do, you’ll feel much better!

Thanks for the suggestion… They worked for me between weeks 4-5.5… and then stopped working.

I’ve also tried ginger, lemon, hard boiled lollies … but my little Jacobeanie is just determined to let me know that she’s there (we don’t know the sex yet)…

I’m sorry about the morning sickness (although, I have no idea why it’s called ‘morning’ sickness…I had it all day…yuck!) and sincerely hope that it goes away as you advance with your pregnancy. Glad to here that everything is progressing well :smiley:

Great to hear from you Tia!

I remember reading that morning sickness is usually caused by extreme hunger, your body’s way of reacting to having fasted all night while you slept. You may not even feel hungry. The trick to avoiding it is to eat, and to eat ahead of time, preventatively. My sister said she would eat some crackers while still in bed, before getting out of bed, and it made all the difference. You may even want to eat something in the middle of the night.

…hope that helps!

Thanks Amy…

hehe… I did that too… But the crackers ended up coming up… which was worse…

I eat about 6 times a day… just not a great deal. I graze more than anything, really.


Needless to say, Since my birthday (10 Feb), I’ve lost 6.5kg and gone up about 7cm around my belly. (Not to mention up a cup size… :S)

Well, it’s time for my fruit english muffin and decaf tea… :smiley:

Hey Tia! ((((Hugs))))

Miss you! I’m sorry about the morning sickness. Good to hear your eating little meals, with one of my kids Id eat before I even got out of bed. LOL And some people swear by ginger snaps. I always carried something with me just in case I needed a snack. Also a bottle of peppermint oil was really great for getting me till I could get a bite to eat.
Hopefully once you hit the second trimester that morning sickness will be over! :slight_smile:

Anyway I just got this in a forward and then read your post so I have to post this! As much as boobies are discussed by certain Khers I apologize if this is a repeat! HA!

"Have you ever wandered why bras are lettered A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, H
and how the letters are actually used to define bra sizes? Well, if
you have ever wondered, but couldn’t figure it out, here’s the code:

A. Almost Boobs

B. Barely Boobs

C. Can’t Complain

D. Dang!

DD. Double Dang!

E. Enormous

F. Fake

G. Get a reduction

H. Help Me, I’ve fallen and can’t get up…"


Love you Tia! Great to hear you and Bub are doing good.

:roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard:

goes the woman with the Almost Boobs :wink:

Glad to hear from you Tia, and I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully you’re almost out of the morning sickness phase! :heart: :heart:


Are you saying my boobs are Fake??? :wink: hehehe… I’m up to an F cup! ARGH!!! If I go up another cup size (I’ve been told to be fitted again at 4-5 months), I have to switch bra styles… (very little available in an F cup as it is).

Love you too girl! :smiley: I can’t wait until I can show y’all pics of my little in-utero bub… :smiley:

Good to hear from you! Glad the bump is growing! Hopefully the sickness will pass, but it will be worth it in the end!

Holy Moly an F!

Nah, its not ME thats saying that, its the forward who said it, I’m just saying, DAMN your putting the rest of us to shame!

I figured that the sizes would be different, like they would have cup sizes in metric, ha!

Lol… no cups are the same, the ‘back’ sizes are different, I think yours are based on inches around? Ours are in ‘dress’ sizes… (which are different to yours)…

hehe… so yes… HUGE NORGS… .LOL


Tia, um, <clearing throat> I dont even know how to ask this question. I understand what norgs are, but um, what? Is that short for something else? <Candace very confused, and always amused with Tia>

Not short for anything… just slang… we’re wierd down here… y’know… :wink:

Hi. Glad to hear you and baby are doing good! Thanks for letting us know! The morning sickness should begin to subside soon! Hang in there!!

:cheering: :cheering: I am so glad to hear that you and the little one are doing well. I am so sorry to hear that you are having such bad morning sickness. No advise here but I am sending my :pray: your way!


Norgs?! :roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard:

I love it!!

I am sooooooo sorry to hear about your morning sickness. I had that too with both my pregnancies - all day and all night for the entire 9 months - and there is nothing that helps!! I actually lost weight with my 2nd baby and ended up gaining only 13 pounds in the last 2 months! The only thing that might make you feel better is knowing what my doctor told me - that as long as you’re sick, you know that baby is thriving and doing well. And the minute the baby is born, it’s instant relief and you really kind of just forget it because you’re so in love! :heart: I hope you get some relief soon. I hope you feel like knitting soon, too!

:happydance: so good to see ya posting!!!.. I’m sorry to hear about the morning sickness… I didn’t have it with my first but my second oh boy… My dr told me to keep crackers by my bed and as soon as I wake up before I even move reach for the crackers eat them then move… it helped some but was messy :lol: then I found lifesavers mints in wintergreen and they were my lifesavers not sure why but they helped so much I kept them with me at all times… Congrats and keeping you all in my prayers!!! :heart: