When you say the US is famously exporting democracy to the world, what I interpret that to mean is that they are trying to give the power of government to the people - not a king, not a dictator, not a religious group, etc.
The USA, though, IS a Republic, NOT a Democracy. The basic difference between the two is that in a Democracy, it is, simply put, majority rules…there is NO protection for the individual or for those in the minority. Under a Republic, the individual and/or those in the minority can not have their rights trampled on simply because the Majority thinks it should be that way.
It would probably be best if you Googled “Republic or Democracy”, where the two are compared side by side and you can see the differences.
Thanks for asking the question…it reminds me that there are things I need to brush up on (it’s been a long time since high school US History!!) to open my eyes to things that are being thrown around, laws people are trying to pass that don’t meet the right criteria (and I mean in my state, too, not just nationally), and be a watchdog for it.