Orenburg shawls advice needed

Hi, I’m very new to knitting lace - trying to learn. I got the book The Gossamer Webs Design Collection but it is really for people who already know how to knit well. Is there an instructional source for people like me who are just starting? A video would be great, as I’m good at picking things up just by watching. I can knit ( Continental style ) simple stuff like scarves and caps. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Daniela - adrizro

I am not a great lace person, but I did a search for you, wondering if there are lace forums. Here is a page I found on a lace forum that is in the UK. This page has linksto several links about different lace techniques and blocking etc. On the Eunny Jang links the Part 1, Part 2, etc. are hot links. Eunny’s site may be helpful.

I have done a little basic Shetland Lace and got involved in a sort of class that was on line about it once. The lady said that basically knitting lace is like knitting anything else. I hope the site will help you.

Knitters Review has a lace forum.

Hi Meri,

Thanks for your useful advice! It is very much appreciated.

Best regards,

Daniela - adrizro

Hi Marilyn,

Thank you for the link. I will check it out.

Best regards,

Daniela - adrizro