Open Knit Strips - Trying to recreate a specific look

Hi. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on this forum. But I’m hoping someone will be able to give me an answer. I’m trying to recreate the Rag & Bone Kobra sweater. I love the simple look with the open knit see-through sections. But I’m worried now that I’ve taken the wrong approach.

Based on some advice from others, I purchased around 6 skeins of Malabrigo Sock in black. It’s a lovely yarn. But I’m trying single strand, double strand approach and it’s not working. The gauge seems to stay the same through out the entire sweater - just the opacity changes. I’ve tried changing needle sizes, and it’s not working.

Anyone out there have any suggestions? Thank you.

The gauge will stay the same, it’s just going to be thinner (more opaque) with the single strand and that seems to be how the original is created. If you go changing the gauge it’s going to be completely different.

I think a combination of single strand/double strand will work if you really exaggerate the difference in needle size. Another thing to try is to keep the same sized needles and a single strand of yarn but for the thin sections, wrap the yarn twice around the needle for each stitch. When you purl back, drop the extra wrap.
It is a great look. Good luck with it.

suzeeq - Yes I don’t want the gauge to change. That’s what I’m trying to avoid. I think I may end up having to purchase extra yarn.

Salmonmac - Not sure I quite understand how that would be different than knitting double strand then single strand. I’m also not purling since I’m knitting it in the round.

Overall I think I need a larger gauge entirely…

Wrapping the yarn twice with the single strand then dropping the extra loop next round will create an elongated stitch, more open than just a regular stitch. I don’t know if that will be more the effect you want or not; this is something where you need to CO about 20 sts or so and just play with some different combinations.

“Salmonmac - Not sure I quite understand how that would be different than knitting double strand then single strand. I’m also not purling since I’m knitting it in the round.”

The effect of wrapping the yarn twice around the needle is like using a much larger needle for the open work part of the sweater but without the bother of switching needles. I think you want more open and more closed sts for this pattern, not thicker and thinner fabric. That’s part of the difference between the wraped sts and doubled/single strands of yarn. As Sue suggests, try a swatch and see what looks best.

Ah! I understand what you mean. I’ll give it a shot. That might just do the trick!