Today I registered for a class on Nov. 15 which requires…
–yarn (duh)
–size 7 x 16" circular needle(s)
–size 7 DPNs (I have a set of…four)
The item to be made is a hat, and there will be a chart. Having experienced a charted hat with the same instructor a couple of months ago and with only four DPNs rather than five that time, I’d [I]really[/I] rather not repeat [I]that[/I] experience (a motif repeated four times but divided onto three DPNs). For various reasons, I’d also rather not purchase an extra set of #7s just for one DPN; I have [I]dozens[/I] of DPNs, but only four #7s. sigh
I’ve just spent at least an hour on the Internet and digging in my knitting books trying to find the quote I read or the quoted author in the original. The gist of the quote in question was that ([B]if[/B] I remember it correctly) a DPN of either one size up or down can be added to a set of four all the same without affecting the size of the stitches. I remember the quote being attributed to Cat Bordhi, but having looked through the two books of hers that I own can’t find it. (Of course, she might have said it on line and my searches have been ineffectual, or it may not have been Cat Bordhi at all…)
What this would mean for me, if accurate, would be freedom!
I have the set of four #7s (7" long), and I have many, [I]many[/I] #6s (7" long). I have no #8s which are 7" long, but I do have 8"-long #8 DPNs. I could simply borrow one of the #6s (or maybe an 8?) for this hat class and get on with selecting the yarn!
Can anyone confirm/thrash my understanding?
Thank you!