I like that about KH as well.
I have to admit that I think that Ravelry is going to need to monitor the creation of their Forums and groups somehow.
There are the most ridiculous groups that are forming: Knitters who Love Mike Rowe, DItty Bop fans, Knitters who love the Closer, Knitters who love Vampire Chronicles and Dracula, and Knitters who love Monty Python are just a few of sillier ones I’ve seen. What ever do you talk about in a group like that? I guess I figure if you like Mike Rowe you can hang out at a TLC fansite, not a knitting board, but what do I know?
(I hope I haven’t offended any of you KHers who also are Ravelrying and are on one of those boards!)
Anyway, that’s why I hang out here and just do research on patterns and yarns on Ravelry.