One of those basic questions

For the button bands on my cardigan, the entirety of the directions are:
With right side facing, pick up and knit 121 stitches
R1 (WS): (p 1 tbl, k 1 tbl) repeat to last st, p1
R2 (RS): k1, (p 1 tbl, k 1 tbl) repeat to end of row
Repeat these 2 rows twice MORE, binding off all sts neatly in rib on last row.

So–that’s 6 rows total, and I’m binding off on Row 6? Or do I finish Row 6, and then bind off?

Also–any good tips for a great bind-off for twisted 1x1 rib would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, sounds like you bind off on the 6th row. You can look at the button band and see if you like the width and add another row if you’d like, of course.
I really like the sewn or Italian bind off. It’s shown as one of the bind offs here (see about 4:30min).

Weeeel, I’m gonna have to practice THAT bind off! Seems like I’m in for basically 134 sts of Kitchener…twice!! Not to mention re-setting every knit stitch first. But I’ll have lots of time to practice, because I’m kind of mad at it now. Tried it on and don’t care for the neckline, which is VERY low and open. Exactly as pictured…so I should have expected it. I think I can fix it by ripping back the shoulders a couple of inches on the fronts and 1" on the back. Which gives me a 2nd chance at the shoulder seams I’m not happy with… :laughing: Yay?

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You are going to be the queen of Kitchener!
I’ve raised necklines on sweater and cardigans by delaying the bind offs at the front until the knitting is farther along.

Well, I already raised the fronts 2" in the knitting. If I can’t do it at the shoulders, it will mean backing down to the start of the neckline and doing more of the lacework, and recalculating the neck curve. Not impossible, but kind of frustrating when I was so close to done.

But this is why I have multiple projects going at once! Back to my crocheted tank top in hdc ribbing! This cardi can sit and contemplate its sins for a while.