I went to the knitting store to get help with my socks, the ladies were semi-helpful, they actually did the process for me of splitting my stitches. I wanted to learn to do it myself so that when I got to the second sock I would be able to do it myself without having to go back.
Tonight I left my knitting out and the darn dog got into it and basically tore it all apart. So I restarted. Now I am almost at the point where I will have to divide my stitches up 16 on one needle and 8 on the other two. Problem is, I don’t want to go back to the knitting store to ask for help with the same thing again.
I looked at a bunch of videos but they don’t really help. I am not sure which one is considered my needle 1, needle 2 and needle 3.
I understand my pattern enough to be able to continue after splitting the stitches but I just don’t know how to do it. I also don’t want to accidently twist my stitches.
My pattern says
slip last 8 sts from 3rd needle and first 8 sts from first needle onto one needle for heel. Contrast marker is in centre. 16 sts are left on 2 needles for instep. Instep sts may be slipped onto st holder while working heel if preferred”
Also does it matter which needle I use?? It says from 3rd needle and from 1st, but I don’t know which is which? Any help would be greatly appreciated! (I currently have 10 stitches on one needle, and 11 on the other 2)