Oh my are #2 needles SMALL!

After you work with them for a while you will think that 8’s are HUGE! I always have several projects going on several size needles. It helps my hands (I have arthritis). I love working on smaller sizes, although it did seem awkward at first.

I’m honored! :aww: I’m sure they’ll come out great & she’ll love them.

I don’t mind the small needles, it’s working with laceweight yarn that is driving me nuts!

I’m honored! I’m sure they’ll come out great & she’ll love them

They’re working up wonderfully! This is my first time doing anything intricate on socks and my fist pair of socks with sock yarn on tiny needles :wink: The first round with the cables was a bit tricky, but now its going nicely. (knocking on wood so as not to jinx myself)

Check these out!

I love it! Miniatures are so amazing. There is a very nice dollhouse and miniatures shop in my home town. I go there sometimes just to say “Oh My Gosh!” over and over again. :teehee:

That’s where I got my miniature knitting needles. I used to dream of making miniature knits to sell at that shop, but I’ve never been able to make anything worth selling. Maybe one day, when I’ve gotten MUCH better at knitting, I’ll achieve my goal.