Well I knew it would happen. I just knew it!
I can never walk into my LYS and limit myself to the one thing I went in to buy.
Needed a stitch holder so yesterday I asked my husband to get me one. He said he wouldn’t know what he was looking for, so I dragged my still sick self to town and ended up buying a lot more than a stitch holder! Of course, my husband is to blame. Had he gone in he would not have even looked at all the yummy yarn, or even noticed the 10% off sale!
Check out my blog for details on the wool I bought, it is so luxurious! Can’t wait to start knitting it!
So I’m planning a trek back out to Bray next month (after I get paid of course!) as I want to get my hands on some Jaeger wool for a baby girl top I want to make. Who knows what else I’ll end up buying! (I’m wearing a completely innocent look on my face btw…)
Anyone else have the same problem?!