Oddball doggie pillow is finished!

I started it almost a year ago as an oddball blanket from all the acrylic odds and ends my grandma gave me. At some point i just couldn’t do it anymore, so i bought a simple pillow in a fabric store, knitted some more and then folded the thing, seamed, put the zipper and voila.

It’s about 80cm x 80cm, which is about 30"x30". I didn’t bother blocking it. BUT there’s a big problem - my dog really doesn’t understand what it’s for. She’s a big dog, about 50 pounds, but she does look funny and small in the picture:

Oooo pretty!

Looks great! Maybe your lovely doggie will get used to it soon :slight_smile:

aww what a cute dog!! The pillow looks great :yay:

Thank you! My doggie is a good looking canine:teehee: … In the meantime, the cats seem to love it!


Nice way to use the odds and ends. That’s good that your cats are getting some use out of it. :slight_smile:

actually, it’s not much of a fun knitting, all st st :hair:. But it’s fun to see the pets enjoy it so much :cheering:

Finally, the doggie realized that it’s for her also, so she’s using it too, so cute!

The colors are so playful and work very well together. Well done!

great napping pillow for dog or cat! great to be done with a long timer UFO! great job!! You gave me a great idea to use my scraps for a doggie bed! Thanks!

How sweet! And the dog is adorable! What kind is she?

She’s a Husky mixed with German Shepherd. That makes her a very hyperactive little puppy trapped in an adult body and yet a very smart couch potato at other times :teehee:

It looks great, the colors are really fun! Good job on taking an un-enjoyable knit and turning it into something useful and positive! :cheering:

I just matched one color to the previous :thumbsup:. But it was really a pain in the tukh*s all this st st. And i’m not talking about the knitting, but the purling for 300+ stitches :passedout:

The pillow looks great, good idea. I was going to say, if she doesn’t want it, just put it on the couch as your pillow, and if she is anything like our lab, she will want it as her own!
Thanks for sharing, beautiful dog.

Thank you :slight_smile:
Actually,after she’s seen the cat use it, she tried it too and kinda liked it!

I just want to say that you have such a CUTE dog! I know she’s big, but she looks so cute and belwildered in the picture! Like, she’s saying, “are you sure I am suppose to lay down on that pretty pillow, it looks too nice!?” LOL!
I’ve been wanting to knit a kitty bed for my cat using some of that furry eyelash yarn. I’m thinking he would LOVE it.
Anyway, GOOD WORK! :thumbsup: and CUTE DOGGIE!