I’m beginning to think this idea of knitting my Dad a set of golf club covers was a HUGE mistake!!! I had to frog an hour’s worth of work this morning and ever since I have been making bonehead mistakes and unraveling all over again!! Now, four rows down in my increase row, I have found a hole!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!:!!!:@#$%^&*!!! It looks like I made two increases in a row instead of doing a knit and then an increase!! Okay. I’m taking a deep breath here and trying to regain my sanity!! Is there anyway to fix this without frogging the whole thing again??? I watched Amy’s video on fixing a stitch without unraveling, but I’m not sure this is the same problem. HELP!!!:hair:
I’ve got to get out of here and get some retail therapy i.e. SHOPPING!!! Buying something always make me feel better!:teehee:
Now i found a hole!
You can try that and drop the extra increase but you might end up with a hole anyway since it’ll be a little loose where the extra increase was. However, you might be able to pull on the back of adjoining stitches to spread out the extra yarn.
I have all but one project done, and in my heart of hearts, don’t think it will get done by next Tuesday. What I’m going to do is put it in the box, nicely wrapped, and let them know it will be done by New Year’s day. I’m pretty sure your Dad would understand, and not mind, as he would rather have a sane daughter rather than one pulling her hair out.
As for the hole, in the past I’ve found myself covering this type of thing up by pulling a bit up from below. No one has ever noticed, or been able to see it when I called their attention to it. (My knitting skills have been slowly improving.)
Anyway, here’s hoping the rest of the day goes really well for you,and that you have a wonderful Christmas.
And if you can’t stretch the stitches enough to close the hole, sew it on the back with a piece of yarn. The head of the golf club won’t tell.
Well, I’m back from my retail therapy and, boy, do I feel better!! Now I am ready to face this task! I have decided to drop a stitch down to the offender, er, hole and crochet it back up. Let’s see what happens…
IT WORKED! IT WORKED!:woohoo: IT WORKED! :clink: Ah. I wish there was a yoga or meditating smilie because that’s what I feel like doing right now! Whew. Well, now that I’m a day behind on these things, I guess I’d better get back to it.
Thank you all for the great advice!!!
I used Ingrid’s way out. I had completed both sides of a pillow, inserted the foam and then learned I had this hole where I must have dropped a stitch. At least it didn’t run. I pulled the foam out, pulled the work inside out, and used matching yarn to pull the 4 sts (sides and top and bottom) making sure I caught the sts of each carefully, so if one was dropped, it wouldn’t start to unravel.
It wasn’t hard, and took a matter of 2 or 3 minutes. You can’t tell I fixed it at all.
GL with your repair, Stacy