Nova Dress (bottom up raglan)

So i’m passed the sleeves and i’ve knit a front flap on the raglan (with the shoulders and the the back on the circular still). I’m down to 27 stitches on the front flap which i’ve been working back and forth decreasing every knit row. Next instruction is:

All sizes:
Shape collar as follows:
Row 1: Purl across.
Row 2: K1, ssk, k2, turn.
Row 3: Sl first st, purl across.
Row 4: K3, ssk, k4, turn.
Row 5: Sl first st, purl across.
Row 6: K7, ssk, knit to last 3 sts before end of row, k2tog, k1.
Row 7: P4, turn.
Row 8: Sl 1, k to end.
Row 9: P3, p2tog, p4, turn.
Row 10: Sl 1, k to end.

Break both strands of yarn.

Do i just do that even though you are not knitting evenly…you are going back and forth never getting to knit tottally to one side? You get to purl the whole directions some of the time. Makes me nervous because i can’t imagine how it works. Having never done it this way before.

Hi and welcome. It looks like it’s short row shaping you’re doing. If so, then yes, you work a partial row and turn. I can’t find my links right now, but you can find lots of videos on short rows. It doesn’t say to wrap and turn, it seems to me it will be leaving holes, could that be part of the pattern design?

You’re going back and forth on sts at one end and then the other. Don’t worry about unworked sts as you will eventually get to them. This sounds like part of the collar shaping. Do you have a link to the pattern or can you give us the name of the pattern?

It’s the nova dress from the spring 2011 issue of petite Jumping right in seems to have worked for those instructions but now i’m stuck again. I’m onto the “FLap Side Button Band & Garter Edging” After picking up the stitches from the bottom right side of the flap, I was stuck here for a while, thinking i was to knit what i had just picked up. But i figured out that i was to continue knitting across the collar i had just shaped. I’ve picked up stitches on the left side, after knitting across the top of the shaped collar. So now i’m down at the bottom, left side of the front flap. How do i “knit to m” from down here with the right needle holding the thread and stitches i need to knit? I would have to purl to head back to the 2 markers i just knitted in up there.

Flap Side Button Band & Garter Edging

With C1 and using the left tip of the circular needle, starting at the bottom of the right raglan opening, pick up 17 [20, 23, 26, 29] sts along right flap-side edge of raglan, pm, k1 st off needle, pm, knit until 8 sts remain on needle, k2tog, knit until 1 st remains on needle, pm, k1, pm, pick up 17 [20, 23, 26, 29] sts along left flap-side edge of raglan.

For sizes 2 [4] years:
Row 1: *Knit to m, m1, sl m, k1, sl m, m1; repeat from * once more, knit across.
Row 2: K4 [5], yo, k6 [7], yo, k6 [7], yo, k2, sl m, k1, sl m, k to m, sl m, k1, sl m, k2, yo, k6 [7], yo, k6 [7], yo, k4 [5].

All sizes:
Change to smaller size needle.
Row 3: *Knit to m, m1, sl m, k1, sl m, m1; repeat from * once more, knit across.
Bind off all sts (see Pattern Notes for tip).

THe collar turned out a little messy looking because of those slipped stitches in that wierdness but at this point i don’t care. I want to finish this. I didn’t think anyone would answer me either so when i googled for more info, and my own question with responses came up i was overjoyed!! You ladies are fast!

OK, you’re good so far but the thing to remember is that the button band/edging is in [I]garter[/I] stitch. If you look at the directions under Finishing, it refers to the “garter button band”. So take the needle with the sts and working yarn into your left hand and knit back to the marker then do the increases or whatever the instructions are for your size. When you bind off, there’s a note about a tight or loose bind off to keep in mind too.

AHHHH!! right! garter stitch! So it’ll look like a purl on the knitside…hehe so simple but i forgot about that and figured the garter edging was something i would be doing after the button band…damn. Thanks!