Not sure if this is allowed...but I need help

I would like to somewhat redesign this pattern to be “Socks” for my niece but I am not talented enough to do that! Lol! If I buy the pattern would someone be willing to help? I contacted the seller but she hasn’t responded to me yet.

Wow, that would be some pair of socks (and you do mean conventional socks or no?). It’s quite a project to take on but there might be some designer here willing to try.

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Haha I should have been more specific. The show, “Blluey”, which these stuffies are based has a character named “Socks”. I just meant to adapt the current pattern for these stuffies to be the Socks character instead. But good news! The designer got back to me and she may work on it for me! :slight_smile:


Oh, that’s great news. Yes Socks, much easier than socks. It’s way beyond me.

Ok, i see its Socks, not socks, but these characters would look marvelous sewn onto the front of hand knit slipper socks!

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