Not sure if I should continue

Hi everyone I’m making “Frilly Julliet” a Drops Design. I used different yarn. I decided to use a cotton yarn and now it’s not laying flat i think it’s because cotton and a stiffer yarn. I got gauge with new yarn. Should I just start over with yarn pattern states or will this work it self out when blocking?

What yarn are you using?

I’m using Drops Safran it’s in same yarn group

Sometimes (quite often) I buy yarn for a pattern and then decide the yarn doesn’t want to be that pattern and I change pattern, or change yarn… I think what you’ve done looks nice but if you don’t like the way it looks or the drape then it would be better to use this yarn for something less and get a different yarn for this pattern.

Did you swatch? Was it a decent size? Did you wash it to see how the fabric turned out?
It’s a really good way to find out how things look, feel and move. You can slip these stitches onto waste yarn, tie a knot in the loop to keep them safe and give it a soak and dry it flat, see what it looks like. When it’s properly dry you should be able to just slip the stitches back onto the needle and continue knitting… or frog.

I did a swatch to check gauge and pattern just said to gauge in stockinette stitch. I feel it’s wrong yarn for pattern so decided to switch yarns. What also helped my decision was I splashed a little ice tea on project and know it won’t come out in wash. So with rest if white yarn have a new project in mind. Thanks for your advice.