Not sure about Christmas gift - advice, pls

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I am embarrassed to ask this, but I need some honest advice about a gift I rec’d. from DH. I am so new to knitting - and this may be a great, great gift, but…

I usually knit with Clover bamboo needles. I have tried the metal ones and do not like them. Looking online before Christmas I discovered Lantern Moon and fell in :heart: with their rosewood needles. For Christmas, I asked for [I]one pair[/I] in a size I didn’t already have. I just thought it would be a special treat to have those beautiful needles to use on occasion.

DH, being such a generous man, bought a six-pr. set of Colonial rosewood needles in a Clover tapestry case on eBay - and I don’t think that I like them :help: I feel awful. I also already have four of the six sizes (6, 11,13,15), if that makes a difference. The one sz. I’d like two prs. of - sz. 8 - was not in the set, LOL!

Am I being really petty? I honestly don’t know. DH was sooooo proud of himself, but he also found out (after he bought these) that I wanted the Lantern Moon ones and told my mother that he may have jumped the gun on buying the needles.

What would you do?

I’d say give him a big hug and accept them in the spirit in which they were given. It really is the thought that counts.

If my hubby did that for me (whether they were the right ones or not, just that he even got them) I would plant a nice wet one right on his kisser!!:muah: :present:

I agree with the others, what a great guy to try so hard!!! Keep them and use them and every time you do you will think about what a great fella you have. Different needles have different uses and you may find these needles perfect for some projects.

TY all so much. You are right - he tried so darned hard, and I would hate to hurt his feelings. I hope you all have a wonderful day :muah:

What a great hubby…cherish those needles …you can always buy the Lantern Moon ones in the size you want at a later date

You can never have too many needles. :slight_smile: I have 3 sets of interchangeables and a 3-drawer desk storage container full of at least another span … and that’s just the circs! DPNs get their own storage…

Anyway, point is: he tried and it’s a really sweet thought. Can’t blame the muggles for the ocassional flub on specifics. (Hey, at least you wound up with knitting needles and not crochet hooks - some people can’t keep 'em straight…)

I would be tickled to death if my husband did that for me. I have a ton of needles and use them all. Some times the same size needle from different manufacturers will give you a different gauge. So keep these and some day get your Lantern Moon’s too. You can never have enough. LOL

Aww heck, Valentines Day isn’t all that far away… wink wink!!:thumbsup:

And my birthday is even before [I]that [/I]- LOL!!!