I really think I want to try hand spinning and then dyeing and knitting my own yarn. I mean, how cool would it be to be able to tell ppl that my sweater, socks, hat, gloved (or whatever) came to my house as a bag of fluff (they’d never know what roving or top means)!? it just sounds so cool! but I’m very intimidated by the thought. I mean I litterally want to turn a bag of fluff into a sweater, or whatever. so while I know DH isn’t totally sold on the idea yet (he’ll come around) I’m not sure I can do it either. but I WANT to. lol so I think I’d be much less intimidated if I had a few questions answered by people who know what they’re doing first.
I’ve seen home made drop spindles online. seeing as how it would save on the cost to get started if I made my own (which is deffinatley what Dh wants) is it reasonable to expect to get a decent final product with a home made drop spindle?
I would like to eventually spin everything from fingering weight to worsted. is it realistic to expect to ever be able to spin fingering weight yarn on a drop spindle?
if I spin some yarn, and I decide the plys are too thick can I re-spin (or spin it more, or whatever) the plys (b-4 plying them) to get a thinner ply? or am I stuck with whatever comes out the first time?
when shopping for fibers how do I know if the final yarn will be felt-able or not? washable or not? I’m sure I’d like to spin some yarn that is machine washable as well. are there key words to look for when shopping around that will tell me if the fibers will be machine or hand washable once spun? or is it in the spinning that makes it washable or not? how will I know? (see I told you I’m intimidated)
are there types of fibers to stay away from? fibers that give a yucky or course yarn? things that make it hard to spin? basically I want nice soft yarn, are there things that would prevent this end product that I should stay away from?
what’s the difference between top and roving? is one easier or better than the other?
how much yarn would I get per pound of fiber if I’m spinning worsted weight yarn approximately? I need to figure out how much to order my first time.