My aunt was diagnosed with terminal cancer and is in a nursing home. I want to make her a lap blanket to brighten up her room. The problem: I am a total beginner and a SLOW knitter.
I can cast on, knit, purl and bind off. That’s it. I want to make this FAST, so don’t want to take the time to learn anything new right now. When I say FAST, I mean… like in a few hours. I was hoping to find a simple pattern that I could just make with big needles and maybe double or triple yarn.
Would that work? Is it even possible for me to make a lap blanket that fast? Anyone know a pattern that might work for someone like me? How big are lap blankets anyway?
Thanks so much for all your help! I am really a total beginner, but I think a personal, colorful blanket might help brighten up her drab nursing home room.