Hi I,m new to this site . Don,t know why it’s taken me so long to find it . I knit for my children but then had a very long 20year plus break when I went back to work . During a stressful time I decided to go vack to knitting … Wow what happened beautiful needles gorgeous yarns , yarn festivals and websites like this … who new . I was totally hooked and over the last 3 years I have learnt many new skills including sock knitting not managed two at a time yet ,knitting in the round and I,ve just started some coulourwork . My other passions after my lovely family and 3 whippets are rambling I am a member of the ramblers and love walking with the groups, gardening and cooking . I,m winding down to retirement and currently work part time which I,m loving . I,m hoping to make some new knitting friends . Thank you in advance for any help with my many questions .
New to the site
Welcome to the site! I too stumbled across it earlier this year. Best site I’ve found when you need help. And everyone’s super nice and encouraging.
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I also found this site this year, January, when I took up knitting after 30 odd year break. I’ve learned so much and this site is super helpful and friendly. I love how well moderated it is and it feels like a nice safe place to ask for help, offer help and share achievements.