Well I started on a new pair of socks yesterday. Using flexible double points and my first toe up socks. Rough going at first and then decided maybe I needed to go up a size after finishing toe part, for my granddaughter, so ripped out and started over. Much better. I have also decided maybe I have a problem. I already have 3 other projects in various stages. But I seem to get bored and want to try something new. I do end up going back and finishing (at least so far). Not sure what this is called but it must be some kind of issue (like obsession buying yarn) HaHa. Oh well, guess there are worse problems to have.
New project
Wait. This is a problem?
I thought many knitters operate this way.
Looking forward to seeing the socks for your granddaughter.
Whew. Good to know others do this too. As far as flex dpn’s, I’m liking so far. Still getting used to them and not sure if it’s different needles or new technique (toe up) or both, but I do like the fact not a bunch of loose needles. Easier to knit while watching granddaughter at swim lessons.
The official diagnosis of this incurable non-ailment is Castonitis. It’s vital for most knitters to keep us from being bored.
The way I see it, it isn’t a problem so long as:
There is not more than one project per room in the house,
One project per bag,
And no more than one oer room,
Plus one travel bag.
You can make and adjust your own version of these limit how ever you like.
Have fun. Enjoy. Create.