New knitter

Seventy year old retired sailor that took up knitting to fill the long winter nights. Anxious for help form experienced knitters. I can’t find the log out link. Where is it?

Hi gob

There is a little icon with your initial on it in the top corner. If you click this and then click your name you will find the option to log out.
But why log out when you can stay and ask your questions?

There’s lots of help here and a wide range of new and experienced knitters.

Thank you. I always like to log out when I’m done on a site. I’ll be here often for advice as I’m anxious to learn new stitches and as of now I don’t have a clue beyond knit and purl.

Well, it’s all knits and purls. Just depends how many of them you do and in what order. :blush:

That makes it a bit easier to grasp. Starting to get an idea. Thank you.

Welcome to the wonderful world of knitting! And, lucky you for finding this site; it is THE BEST.

I have been knitting for the last 8 years or so and it has definitely not only kept me sane, but affords me such joy. I suspect you will find that to be the case for you, too.



Kint, purl, slip stitch, yarn over (or yarn round needle), there are a few more variation of there when you are ready for more.

It is not stitches so much as it is patterns of, like the other person said, it is how many knits or purls and in what order. Cheryl Brunette and Susanne Bryan and Roxanne Richardson all have excellent u tube videos. Cheryl has been knitting since she was a child and been a teacher for decades and has also written a great book on how to make a sweater to fit your chosen receiver with your yarn and needles. Susanne has also been a knitting teacher for decades and has several hundred videos including what are live stream Q & A session following a book and pattern guide to make several different custom fit sweaters. Roxanne is another master knitter who has been a teacher for decades who does a technique video on Tuesdays and an hour long running dialogue on Fridays talking about her current project(s). Recently it has been knitting a sweater for each decade starting in the late 1800-early 1900’s up to 2020’s using time period patterns. These three are about the best I have found on U Tube. Happy watching and learning.