New knitter. Help please. Shape Raglan and Neck

Hi all, I’m new to knitting.
Did a little as a child with my grandmother. She’s no longer with us but I picked it up again around christmas and am trying to knit a jumper for my soon to be new arrival.

Currently knitting SNUGGLY DK 1365 Size 0-6 months.
I’ve knit the Back of the Cardigan with little issues but am stuck on Left Front when shaping the Raglan and Neck.

I’ve followed the last imstructions of
Cast off 3 St’s, knit to last 2 St’s, k2tog. 19st.
Next row Purl.
(This is where i have paused with 19st on my needle)

It’s now asking me to
Work 22 rows dec 1 St at Raglan edge in next and every foll alt row AT THE SAME TIME Dec 1 St at Neck edge in 3rd and every foll 4th row. 3 St’s.

Can someone please explain in very simple terms what it’s asking me to do.
Think pregnancy brain has taken over and I just can’t see what it’s asking.

Thank you for any help.

Welcome to KH!
These directions are often confusing. It may help to write out a column of row numbers, a column of neck edge decreases and a column of raglan decreases and then check them off as you knit the rows. The left front is the left as you would wear the sweater so the bind off of 3 sts is at the raglan armhole edge.

Call the next row, row 1 and decrease at the raglan edge on rows 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 and 21.
Decrease at the neck edge on rows 3,7,11,15, and 19. That’ll take the stitch count from 19 to 3sts.
Congratulations on the coming baby! Such a good reason to go back to knitting.

That makes so much more sense.
Thank you for your response. :grinning:

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