I started by making dishcloths. It’s a small project but you can finish fairly quick and see your handy work when you use them.
You should TOTALLY make washcloths and give them to everyone at Christmas!!! :cheering:
They are an AWSOME gift and you can learn stitches and have something useful to boot!!
When is your daughter gonna start learning? She could make washcloths too!! Ya’ll will have a whole boxfull before ya know it…(i do) They are great for when you need a last min gift too because you forgot it was someones birthday…(oops)
Wow…that just went on and on didnt it?:shrug:
Cant help it …I LOVE WASHCLOTHS…they are a great learning/teaching tool and they are useful…I make one when i want to knit but dont wanna think about it.
Im done now…Sorry.