It’s an important issue you’ve brought up Kathy!
Now that the forum is getting hopping, it makes more sense to consider other forum categories that previously felt unecessary. I won’t move existing threads, but I think you’re right that it’s time to consider more categories.
It’s a tough call, because too many categories will feel like we’re scattered and divided up. And it makes for more work to go through the posts, as Foldedbird said. But I think you’re right, Nuno, in that it’s starting to get difficult to keep track of all the posts!
I think I will introduce just a couple of new categories for now. The ones I’m leaning towards are:
–Knitting Questions (help with patterns, etc.)
–Knit-alongs (to provide a special home for future knit-alongs!)
Sorting out the “Knitting Questions” into their own forum will definitely reduce the bulk of posts in the main knitting category. If it gets overwhelming again in that category, I’ll consider adding more categories then.
How does that sound? I appreciate everyone’s input on this!..