So, when felting, I usually throw a few pairs of jeans into the washing machine with my knitted item in a pillowcase (rubber banded shut). Yesterday, while felting an aran sweater (see related thread - Not knitting a purse - Knitting Related), it took so long to felt the off white yarn and I was worried about the amount of energy I was using for just one project.
During the last cycle, it suddenly occured to me - instead of using blue jeans to “beat up” my felting item, I could use…da da dum!..bouncy balls.
See, my dd asks for a bouncy ball every time I take her into Old Navy. They are only 25 cents and they are the BIG bouncy balls…hard rubber, about the size of a small plumb. And although we give them away occasionally, we still always seem to have at least 30 in the house (she also gets them from nana).
So I threw a few of those in with the pillow case, and voila! :woot: Much better agitation. I couldn’t believe how well it worked!