Hi everyone.
I found this site the other day while searching for how to make icord.
I love it! I love the videos and the board. Thanks Amy for putting so much work into this… its amazing.
So… I’m also new to knitting. I’ve made two scarves… (all in knit) and i just made an ipod cozy for a friend. It was my first project in stockinette stitch. It was just a long rectangle folded with the sides stitched up. I did learn how to decrease watching the videos… and the flap that folds over the top came down to a point… and i sewed on a button.
Now I’m just trying to figure out how to do ribs. I watch a show on DYI called Knitty Gritty… and they were explaining things like ribs and seed stitch…that its just knitting and purling. but so far no luck.
this is the pattern I’m trying to follow from diynetwork (its a pdf)
I think I’m just kind of confused about wrong side right side… am I supposed to do the opposite on the “wong side?”