I’ve done my gauge and now I need to go get some new needles. The pattern calls for 2 different sizes. Should they both be the same type, ie: both metal or both bamboo, or even the same brand. I plan to get a set of interchangeables,eventually, but haven’t decided on which ones yet. I’m researching and also seeing which type I like to work with, for comfort and ease. But in the meantime I’ll just buy what I need for a particular project. I had the size called for to do the swatch and surprisingly it worked. But I need longer circular and the second size called for. So it’s off to the store or order online if I need to. Any suggestions appreciated!
Needle type and size
I think it’s best to buy the same material needles, if not the same brand. You might be surprised if you made swatches using the same yarn, amount of stitches and same size needles but different materials.
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