Needle case features

I’m firing up the sewing machine and I have a gazillion ideas for stuff I want to design, but the thing I want most is a needle/notions organizer. Do you have any favorite features in a needle case? I want a folder-like design, not the rolled case, but if you have strong feelings for a rolled case, let me know why you like them.

I am considering a zippered pocket for markers, an outside pocket to put a copy of my pattern in, a pencil slot, the requisite needle spots, scissors, small ruler, and needle gauge. I’m mulling over making the circ needle pockets like an accordion file, with one stored behind another and a velcro flap to close over those pockets.

The outside will be cotton fabric, the pockets will be clear lightweight vinyl or shower curtain (depending on how my stress tests on the curtain work out).

I’d love to hear your ideas!

The one thing for me is no velcro. I have a great bag with a bit of velcro on one pocket and it’s forever catching on my yarn and other items.

I like all your ideas, though, they sound great.

I just made myself one of these while I was on vacation! It’s for my circular needles and has 15 pockets. I think each one could hold at least three in them. The lady who taught me to knit liked it so much when she saw it today that I went and got fabric to make her one. While at the store, the cutter saw it and wanted one, the lady in line she showed it to wanted several for her friends, and the clerk did too! I have to admit ideas were racing thru my head, but with my fabric choices, they would not want to pay for them what I would have to charge. Mine folds up, then ties shut in two places…I’m happy with it and that’s all that matters.
Good luck!
