Needing help to understand

Hello I am new here and just needing help to understand just a part in this pattern I had found online!

I am confused on the area for the teddy bear head as it has the normal instructions from row to row. But once it gets to row 9 it is telling me- K17,inc in each of the next 2 sts, k17 -38 sts

I am very confused because it is not showing row 10 and is skipping every second row?
Do I just do that one row where I increase the next two stitches in that current row and just go on to the next? Or is it telling me to do row 9 with an increase and make a row 10 also?
Please help as I am so very confused

This is the link to the page

Welcome to the forum. That bear is adorable. I’m sure it will be well loved. This is one of those times when what to do is written above. Row 10 is a WS row so it’s purled.

Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl across.

This still trips me up and I’ve encountered it I don’t know how many time. One clue is that you’re working in stockinette so you have to purl WS rows. Please do share photos of your work and feel free to ask any and all knitting questions.


Thank you very much! That makes me understand it all so much better!!
I’m making a couple bears for my two little girls! To have as their own!

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Cute bears! Your girls will love them!

You’re most welcome. It always amazes me that something I couldn’t see is so obvious once someone else points it out. lol Your girls are so lucky to have you make these for them. Do ask if you have more problems and don’t think a question is stupid. We’ve all been there or will be.