Need your opinion!

My dentist’s assistant wants some knitted 4"x6" scrubbies, made from Sugar ‘n’ Cream w/ nylon netting knit together.

I had my last dental appointment today, and she was asking about them again. I told her I had ordered 4 spools of 3" nylon netting and I am going to knit some scrubbies for myself and friends.

She wants to pay for them, and she said this prolly 3 times.

What would you charge for these 4x6 scrubbies? Each one won’t take that much time, as you know, and the cost of netting and cotton won’t be that much either.

Y’all know how much Sugar ‘n’ Cream cotton costs, and the nylon netting is 3" wide X 40 yds for $5.78 per spool after shipping costs. I don’t know how many 4x6 scrubbies 40 yds will produce.
Does someone else know?

Would you charge $3 for a set of two? (@$1.50)
$10 for eight? (@$1.25)

What’s your opinion? I know it’s hard for knitters to assign a dollar value to knitted things because we don’t pay for knitted things. We knit them “at cost” for our time and materials.

I know she personally wants 2 for sure. She has two 10-yr old scrubbies that her husband ruined when he used them for cleaning his butcher knives. Now they have holes! TEN YEARS! That is how she has babied her little scrubbies! She’s lost without them.

Let me know what you think is fair. Actually I’d just give 'em to her, but I guess my time and the cost of materials are worth a bit.

I will knit more for her if she wants to give them as gifts for her adult female relatives and friends. That’s why I was saying 8 for $10.

I think the prices you mentioned are fair. I would even mention the difference to her. I have purchased homemade stuff from friends and craft shows (small items like soap) and there is usually an individual price and a quanity price. Making the individual price actually for two is a nice little pair (and reasonable in price). Then a bulk price of $10 for 8 is offering a nice discount for buying more.

Your time, work, and consideration for doing this is certainly worth these prices.

Now I have to ask, Where did you find the netting?

I think that would be an incredible bargain~I am sure she would too. She obviously wants them pretty badly since she’s asked for them several times.

I was thinking I would charge $2 each, or maybe 3 for $5. If I wanted them, I would still think that was very reasonable for a handmade scrubbie.

I am sure she’ll be happy to pay whatever you charge! Good luck, I hope you post pics of the finished scrubbies! They sound very useful :slight_smile:

I started a Yarn for “scrubbies”??? thread on Nov 25th…and one of our generous knitters found the netting sold by the spool! It eliminates the step of cutting the netting [U]fabic/yardage[/U] into strips and tying them together! Aaargh on that!

Nylon Netting Spools. And some of the knitters have had experience with the seller, Linda…and they can vouch for her wonderful customer service practices. Their recommendation is what got me off my duff last night and to order the netting spools!

Take a peek through all the posts in that thread cuz a lot of knitters posted patterns and all kinds of good links for materials. I just happened to prefer the idea of the spool! Pre-cut and ready to knit! And no knots. If I had netting laying around, I would do it to use it up…but I don’t.

Thanks jaxhill! Your comments make me feel more confident in giving her a price. I think I will call her at the dentist office when I get two scrubbies knit…and give her the price for 2, and the price for bulk…8 for $10.

Ya never know…I may get a scrubbie roll goin’!

But I won’t be quoting any prices to anyone til I get an entire spool knit up…then I will know for sure how far 40 yards goes.
It sounds like a lot…but it may not be afterall.