Need some prayers-brief update pg 5
You are in my thoughts and prayers
I received a letter in the mail from the radiologist yesterday about the mammogram. (still waiting for info from the ultrasound). The letter states the lump requires further evaluation and that my doctor will advise what should be done next. Also to remember that not all lumps are cancerous but my doctor will advise me as to what to do next.
I’m still somewhat nervous and trying not to think the worst. But of course being human the worst is always in the back of your mind. I suppose that if it were definitely cancer they would have called me back immediately—I don’t know.
I will definitely post updates as soon as I hear more. But I just want to say [B][U]thank you[/U][/B] to everyone for their prayers and support.
Talk to your doctor about doing a needle biopsy so that you know what you are going under the knife for. It will mean less waiting usually than scheduling the surgery and then having a biopsy done. Keep us posted! BTW, I happen to know that all u/s and mammograms that discover anything will always say, “needs further investigation and talk to your doctor” because all those tests do is verify that there is a mass that was not normal.
Call about the results of the ultrasound. They would have had more than enough time to view it and get back to your doctor if they had found something that was solid. In my opinion, a week is way too much time to wait for someone to contact you with a yay or nay on needing a biopsy. Keep us posted.
I missed this earlier-you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I missed that thread too - i’m praying and thinking about you
You’re still in my prayers.
Keeping you in my thoughts. Good luck!!
Thoughts and prayers are going out to you. Just went through a similar thing with my niece.
Well it seems that I do have to see a breast specialist. The mammogram & ultrasound have both concluded that the lump is an undefined breast lesion. (location 11 o’clock in the right breast). In other words they don’t know what the lump is. My GYN advised me to contact the breast specialist. She said they may tell me that I have 3 options: 1 - watch & monitor, 2 - needle aspiration, 3 - biopsy. The only thing that is somewhat comforting is that if it was definitely 10000% without a doubt cancer, I would be scheduled for surgery already. I mean there is still the small posibility that it could be cancer. However, at this point it could also be another fibroadonema.
Thanks everyone for your support
I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
good luck. if it was me I would opt for the needle biopsy and get it over with. cuz my mind would just go crazy. i am soooo sorry you are going through this. this is just so terrible though I’m so grateful they say its not cancer. either way anything messing with your breasts is SOOO NOT COOL:hug:
I’m keeping you in my thoughts!
I am still sending you prayers!!
Much luck! Thinking of you.
You’re still in my prayers.
Your breast specialist will more than likely suggest a core needle biopsy or ultrasound guided needle biopsy. At the very least at least you will have some definitive answer as to what it is relatively soon. When I had mine done the next day breast surgeon who did it called me with the lab results. Good luck sweetie, we’re all rooting for ya’.
Thoughts go out to you. I hope the wait to see the specialist isn’t too long.