Hi ! I’m a french knitter (so i apologize for my english😁). I bought a rowan pattern in english. I try to do a sleeveless sweater call aloe but i’m struggleling with the pattern to shape armholes. It says : cast of 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. (71sts)
Next row (RS): K2, K2tog, K to last 4 sts, sl1, k1, psso, k2
Next row : P2, P2tog tbl, P to last 4 sts, P2tog, P2.
And this is now i’m lost :
Working all armhole decreases as set by last 2 rows, dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows, then on foll 4 alt rows, then on foll 4th row. --> 51 sts
Thanks you in avance for your answers !