Need some help to understand armholes pattern

Hi ! I’m a french knitter (so i apologize for my english😁). I bought a rowan pattern in english. I try to do a sleeveless sweater call aloe but i’m struggleling with the pattern to shape armholes. It says : cast of 5 sts at beg of next 2 rows. (71sts)
Next row (RS): K2, K2tog, K to last 4 sts, sl1, k1, psso, k2
Next row : P2, P2tog tbl, P to last 4 sts, P2tog, P2.

And this is now i’m lost :

Working all armhole decreases as set by last 2 rows, dec 1 st at each end of next 3 rows, then on foll 4 alt rows, then on foll 4th row. --> 51 sts

Thanks you in avance for your answers ! :blush:

Welcome to the forum!
Work the 2 rows that set the placement of the decreases (these rows are called Next row, Next row) ending with 67sts.
Call the next 3 rows, rows 1,2 and 3. Decrease at each end of rows 1,2,3 then rows 5,7,9 and 11 (that’s the alternate rows) and finally row 15 (that’s the following 4th row).
That’ll take your stitch count to 51sts.

I’m sorry, but i’m confused …
Why the alternate rows are the 5, 7, 9, and 11 and not the 4, 6, 8, and 10 ?

Thank you so much for your answer, I understood almost everything except this part :partying_face:

OK, the last row of the 1,2,3 is row 3. The next decreases are every other row (every alternate row) so that means, skip a row and then work a decrease row. That would mean skipping row 4 and decreasing on row 5. Rows 7,9 and 11 follow that pattern.

Ok ! I finally understand
Thank you :blush:

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Have fun working your pattern! Come back with any questions or comments.

I’m stuck again :confused:
I amhave donne the back part and i begin the front part. The pattern says :
Work as given for back until 14 rows less have been worked than on back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with RS facing for next row.

So my question is Do i have to begin the “shape armhole” part explain for the back 14 rows less than on back and then follow again “shape front neck” and then “shape shoulder” ?

Thank you for your answers :blush:

Good going! Finishing the back is a great start.
This is likely to mean to work the Shape Armhole and continue following the directions for the back. Stop when you are 14 rows less than the beginning of back shoulder shaping. At that point the front neck shaping will begin.
Place the back piece on a flat surface and lay the front on top to estimate when you are 14 rows below the beginning of the shoulder shaping.
For most sweaters this is the sequence of the knitting unless your sweater has a very deep V or front shaping. That front neck might start below the armhole shaping.

What is the name of your pattern and the designer?

Okok thanks !
It’s the aloe pattern from rowan designer :blush:

Very nice! Yes, certainly continue on the front with the armhole shaping as given for the back.

Yes it’s that pattern ! Ok thanks for your answer :blush:

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