Hello knitters!
Well, let me start by saying that I’ve been a crochet’er for over 30 years (gasp!). I’ve have tried to teach my self to knit so many times, I can’t even count them. I LOVE to watch people knitting and spend hours sometimes on youtube watching knitting video’s. It looks so easy!! I am pea green with envy. I want to learn to knit so bad I can barely stand it. I’ve tried large needles, small needles, chunky yarn, lace weight. Continental, English, throwing the yarn, you name it, i’ve tried it. but it always feels like trying to speak a foriegn language. No matter what I try, I can’t seem to make my hands want to do it, and my work looks like a 2 year old did it. The needles are cumbersome, and its like I’m trying to knit with my feet. I don’t know if the problem is the fact that I’ve been holding a hook for so many years (can’t teach an old dog new tricks?), or what. but I am determined! Everytime I try, i usually get so frustrated after about 1/2 an hour, and just throw it down. then I scold myself and tell myself “just stick to what you know” and pick up my hook. I’ve never come across a crochet pattern that I couldn’t do, and would consider myself an advanced crocheter. why why why can’t I knit??
Does anybody have any suggestions? maybe some of you knitters had the same problem? please help me, I want to knit!! :hair: