Need help with v-neck sweater vest

Hi everyone! I’m new here and to knitting patterns and need help. I am making a yarnspiration v neck sweater vest and I have gotten to the point where I’ve finished the left side of v neck and need to do the right side now which has 33 stitches on a stitch holder. The instructions say
Right Front Neck
Shape V-neck: 1st row: With RS facing, slip center st onto a safety pin. Join yarn to rem sts. ssk. Knit to last 4 sts. K2tog. K2

I don’t know what the “join yarn” means in this context. I cut my yarn after shaping the left shoulder, was I not supposed to?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the link:

Hello and weolcome

Join yarn is normal for starting the second side of your sweater.
The right front neck is the right as you would wear the sweater, the single stutch onto a safety pin is the centre of the neck, and you will work the remaining stitches for this row.

Join yarn. There is no knot or magic here. Insert your right needle as though to work the first stitch, hold your new ball of yarn as you normally would but allow a 6 inch tail which will be woven in later on. This tail can be held behind you work or in your right hand, just somewhere to stop it slipping away whilst you work the stitch. Wrap the yarn (not the tail) as normal to work the stitch.
And that’s it.
Keep working across the row as the pattern describes.
Your first stitch will be a bit baggy, maybe the first couple of stitches, but you can pull on the tail to snug this up back to the correct size.
When you work the wrong side and are approaching this tail where you joined the new yarn you can again give the tail a pull to snug up that stitch before and after working it. Once you’ve worked the row 3 stitch it will, be pretty firmly in place.

Later on you weave in this tail with a tapestry needle to secure it long term and make it neat.

Hope this helps, if there is any further confusion please do ask again.

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
You did the right thing in cutting the yarn at the finish of the left shoulder. Now you’re going to start working with a new end of yarn. You can hold the yarn end with your left hand along the side of the left needle and start knitting with the new strand. Once you’ve knit 2-3 sts you can drop the yarn end (about 6" of yarn tail) and continue knitting with this new strand. The first couple of sts will be a bit loose but you can always snug up the yarn tail when you weave it in later.
Here’s another way to do it with the yarn looped around the needle. You won’t have the old yarn tail to lap over the new so just ignore that.

Very nice looking vest.