I am knitting a patons honeycomb aran dress and I have come to start the neckband and I am stuck!
The pattern is here:
It says:
With RS facing and smaller needles K13 from left sleeve st holder dec 2 st evenly across. Pick up and knit 14 st down left front neck edge. K24 from front st holder dec 4 evenly across. Pick up and knit 14 st up right front neck edge. K13 from right st sleeve holder, dec 2 st evenly across. K44 from back st holder, dec 5 stitches evenly across.
I understand what it is asking me to do but when I tried to start it by knitting the stitches from the left sleeve st holder the needle is not the right way for me to pick up from the left front neck edge after I have knitted the stitches and I can’t seem to visualise what I need to do.
Can anyone help me figure out how to start the neckband?