Need help with scarf, im a beginner

So I am working on a scarf as a gift and I have finished it all in one color and now I have decided to add Two stripes at the end. The scarf is gray and I want to add a black stripe and then a gray stripe. I used a regular knit stitch and since the scarf is for my dad I don’t want to use finge on the ends. Can someone tell me how I can add a color after I have binded off, or direct me to an instuctional video? Thanks Jen

You can undo the bindoff, and use the other color to knit your stripes.

The video tutorial on this site for Picking Up Stitches would help I believe without having to undo the binding off. The video can be found in the ‘knitting tips’ page within the ‘view video’ section.
I hope this helps.

It’s actually a lot easier to undo the bind off than pick up sts and would look a little better.