Need Help With Instructions

I came across an instruction I haven’t seen before in a 5 stitch eyelet pattern
Does this mean all purls? Or does the capital P indicated a pass? The previous row had SKP -slip,knit,PASS.
And if it means pass, do I pass two stitches or pass one over the other or does it means just slip two and if so why not use S for slip?
And if it means purl all, why not just say purl row 2?
I’ve never seen this before so thank you for any help?

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern? It may have a list of abbreviations either at the beginning or at the end (maybe even in the middle) of the pattern.
Can you quote the entire row as it appears?

There weren’t any abbreviations. The pattern says to work row 2 of the eyelet panel. Row 2 of eyelet panel says P2,p1,P2. So I know P is purl but I’ve never seen the use of capital and lowercase letters like this. Row 1 of eyelet is K2tog, yo, k1,yo,SKP…note it uses both capital K and lowercase k. AND in SKP, the last capital P is a pass over previous knit. So I’m confused. Do I just purl 5 stitches? Or is the capital P a pass?
I’m leaning towards all purls now that I think about it. I’ve just never seen this before and I was stumped.

It is strange but I agree with you. The most likely interpretation is purl 5. Row 1 makes that even more likely as yarn overs are usually purled on the wrong side.

That’s an odd one. Is there a photo along with the instructions? If you can tell us the name / source that might help, even if it is an old, out of print pattern.

Maybe the lower case p helps to keep the fabric in line when reading the work as you go? The lower case p being in line with the lower case k of the row before, whereas the upper case P2 lining up with the dec and yo of the row before?

Just a guess.

I also wondered whether it might be something like that – I was thinking it might be aimed at indicating 2 selvedge stitches.

I wonder whether this is taken from pattern instructions for a garment or shawl, where you might have a selvedge, or whether it was instructions for a stitch pattern.

It’s probably a stitch pattern and you are closer to the mark. I have some vague memory of seeing upper and lower case used to indicate things in Victorian-era patterns. Like, really vague! I think I should head off to bed.

Happy knitting!