I think you did the repeat (the binding off and dropping) one too many times along the front edge.
There is one described, then repeat from * 4 times then repeat from * to ** once. I make his 6 total along the font neck. Looking at your photo it looks like you have done 7. There are 7 sections of stockinette columns.
In addition you may have missed counted something at the second section, it looks like here are only 2 stockinette columns in the second section rather than 3, and the very first section on the neck seems like it has 5 columns of stockinette?? It makes those decorative vertical stripes of stockinette and dropped stitches uneven in that section. Do you want to try to fix that or accept it and just aim to fix the overall neck width and left shoulder stitch count? If you leave this section as it it I imagine you’d be only one you noticed it when worn. Other options are to see if you can work up the ladder with a crochet hook and then just sew the stitch in place (there are video tutorial for this, fixing a dropped stitch).
It’s up to you.
Fixing the stitch count alone is the simplest part in my opinion. You would need to carefully tink the last several stitches where you bound off the extra repeat. This would involve undoing the k2tog in such a way as to catch each of the 2 sts.
Here’s a video for tinking, it means to un knit each stitch, in your case catch 2 sts with the left needle as you tink.
You will need to watch out for those chain stitches and undo those too.
Then your stitch count should be correct and you can continue with the row.
The gappy part you circled. I wouldn’t worry about this. It looks uneven at the moment but you can use the tail of the rejoined yarn to cross that gap and weave the tail into the first knit stitch there, as you cross the gap just pull on the tail to snug up that wide section and make an evenly spaced neck edge at the top. It will all even out. Then weave the tail in the wrong side of the shoulder section to secure it. You will add a neck edge later too and that will make it neat.
Hope this helps